Section: New Results

Machine Learning for Audio Heritage Data

Audio data is typically exploited through large repositories. For instance, music right holders face the challenge of exploiting back catalogues of significant sizes while ethnologists and ethnomusicologists need to browse daily through archives of heritage audio recordings that have been gathered across decades. The originality of our research on this aspect is to bring together our expertise in large volumes and probabilistic music signal processing to build tools and frameworks that are useful whenever audio data is to be processed in large batches. In particular, we leverage on the most recent advances in probabilistic and deep learning applied to signal processing from both academia (e.g. Telecom Paris, PANAMA & Multispeech Inria project-teams, Kyoto University) and industry (e.g. Mitsubishi, Sony), with a focus towards large scale community services.

Setting the State of the Art in Music Demixing

Participants : Fabian-Robert Söter, Antoine Liutkus.

We have been very active in the topic of music demixing, with a prominent role in defining the state of the art in this domain. This has been achieved through several means.

  • In the previous years, we have been organizing the Signal Separation Evaluation Challenge (SiSEC), an international event in the signal processing community that is held since 2007. Its objective is to bring together researchers to evaluate their algorithms on music separation/demixing on the same data and with the same metrics. From 2016 to 2019, A. Liutkus was the lead chair of SiSEC.

  • We have developed the open-unmix[19] software, which is a reference implementation for music source separation. For the first time, it makes it possible for any researcher to use and improve a state-of-the art implementation (MIT-licensed) in the domain. In terms of performance, open-unmix mathes the best results we observed over the years as the organizers of SiSEC. The open-unmix software won the second place at the Global Pytorch Summer Hackaton 2019 organized by FaceBook.

    The pro private version of this software is currently under active development for transfer to industry.

  • In [6], we present the field to the non-specialist researcher, in a wide-audience scientific magazine. We are also core contributors of the audio section for the position paper on the use of AI for the creation industry [48].

Generative Modelling for Audio

Participants : Antoine Liutkus, Fabian-Robert Söter, Mathieu Fontaine.

Discriminative training for audio signal processing is inherently limited in the sense that it boils down to assuming that the target signals are present in the input, and can be recovered through some kind of filtering, even if this involves sophisticated deep models. We move forward to a new paradigm for signal processing, in which the observed signals and time series are not assumed to comprise the totality of the target, but rather some arbitrarily degraded version of it. The objective then can be understood as generating new content given this input. For instance, bandwidth extension may be thought of as audio super-resolution.

Our research on generative modelling concerns both methodological/theoretical aspects and applied research. On the former, we introduce the Sliced Wasserstein Flow in our ICML paper [33], which enables the optimal transport of particles from two probability spaces in a principled way. On the latter, we study the combination of heavy-tailed probabilistic models with generative audio models for source separation in [31], [25].

Our strategy is to go beyond our current expertise on music demixing to address the new and very active topics of audio style transfer and enhancement, with large scale applications for the exploitation and repurposing of large audio corpora.

Robust Probabilistic Models for Time-series

Participants : Mathieu Fontaine, Antoine Liutkus, Fabian-Robert Söter.

Processing large amounts of data for denoising or analysis comes with the need to devise models that are robust to outliers and permit efficient inference. For this purpose, we advocate the use of non-Gaussian models for this purpose, which are less sensitive to data-uncertainty. Our contributions on this topic can be split in two parts. First, we develop new filtering methods that go beyond least-squares estimation. In collaboration with researchers from Telecom Paris, we introduce several methods that generalize least-squares Wiener filtering to the case of α-stable processes [2]. This work is currently also under review as a journal paper. Second, as mentioned in the previous section, we have been working on generative models for audio, with the particular twist that the deep models we consider are trained probabistically under α-stable assumptions. This has the remarkable effect of significantly augmenting robustness [31], [25].